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Full Tour of The Most Futuristic Building on Earth | The Museum of Future

Duration: 34:47Views: 751.5KLikes: 54KDate Created: May, 2022

Channel: GetsetflySCIENCE

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: science museumtechscientificgetsetflyfactmost beautiful buildinggetsetflysciencefuturistic technologymuseum of futuretechnologyoss hopespacespace stationdubaispaceshipfuture carsfuturesciencemuseum of the futureuaehow would our future look like

Description: I visited the Museum of The Future in Dubai and am sharing the full experience! The museum is an imagination and creation of what Technology we will see future and the futuristic ones that are already in being as of today. Enjoy the Tour! Instagram (Personal account) → bit.ly/2vpq7Kq

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